Monday, August 2, 2010

Syd's First Birthday

She is 1 year old already!!!!
Sydney's birthday party was so much fun, thank you all for coming.
The weather was pleasant, Sydney was in a great mood and well rested, the food and cake turned out great and we were lucky to spend the day with people we love. Who could ask for anything more.

Uncle D/Papa along with the pear tree entertained the girls.
Sydney didn't tear into the cake, but she was persistant enough to get frosting all over her (even in her nose). She put a decent dent into the cake.

All the girls were more than happy to help Sydney out with her gifts.

She ended her day, exhausted and fell to sleep in under 10 minutes.
And now that she has turned 1, she starts her transition into the next room for the entire month and in September she will be officially in the Toddler room. We will miss Miss Parveen and Miss Christine very, very much! This picture marks her first day of Transition, she showed up to daycare with her brand new shoes and insisted that the cooler bag is her 'school bag'.

Almost 12 months!

We've almost made it through a whole year as parents, and I can say it has been a great experience. First, I had a perfect textbook delivery and Sydney was born without any complications. She took to eating easily and other than spitting up the first couple of days, we seemed to be relaxed new parents. The only health issue that she has had is the hemangioma on her nose and thanks to Dr. Shwayder, it did not grow and is mostly gone. Praise to Propranolol (the medicine that she has been on to prevent it from growing)!
We are already discussing Sydney's transition into the toddler room at her daycare and I see all the children in those rooms and have a hard time believing that Sydney is at that point already.
As we approach her birthday, I feel amazed and excited. Amazed that it has only been a year and it is already hard to imagine Sydney as a newborn. I see other babies that were bigger than she was when she was born and am convinced that Sydney was never that small. Excited for the next year and all the joy and fun that it will bring and all the other years to come.

Monday, June 28, 2010

11 Months

The last few months have been very busy (like usual). Sydney is still growing and getting a stronger personality. She still is an easy going little one, but she has her moments when she wants what she wants. She has become a very social person, and usually goes to everyone happily. She still has not crawled and is pretty sure that she will walk before. She is getting around all over the house by scooting, it is hilarious. She pulls herself up on everything. She can even stand up without anything occasionally. She has taken steps on her own, but will sit down after two steps. She is getting closer to walking all over the house.
Her dermatologist is very happy with her hemangioma on her nose. He thinks it has stopped growing and we are slowing reducing her medicine. Our choice to treat her nose was the best decision that we have made.

We spent Easter in West Hickory, but we still had to dress her in a pretty Easter dress.

In late April, Sydney had her first sick evening, this was right after she threw up in her crib, poor baby!

We have been enjoying the outside every chance that we get and she has been loving it. She absolutely loves to swing and a little unsure of the slide. She loves the car that Papa has, she knows to put her hands on the steering wheel which we think is very amusing.
Sydney had her first experience with water at her cousin's birthday party. She wasn't quite sure at first, but quickly loved it. She clung close to us but she started splashing and bouncing up and down in our arms. Can't wait to get her into swim lessons.
Sydney has developed quite the independent, strong willed personality that we all knew she would have. Here is a photo of her wanting her pretzel rod and Daddy's as well. Get used to it Daddy!
Now that she is approching 11 months old, she has conquered the sippy cup, scooting all over the place (still no crawling) and standing up and taking a few steps, we are just waiting for her to toddle all over the place. She is just learning how to drink from a real cup and putting whatever may be lying around into our pantry. She is still babbling away with an occasional new word.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

7 months already - Happy Valentines!

Sydney is acting like a big girl! She is so excited about food these days. She has liked everything pureed and cereal that we have given her so far, squash seems to be her favorite. We are working on the sippy cup, she wants to chew on the spout instead of suck on it. Practice makes perfect! She has drunk from a straw in a glass but has yet to repeat it. We just recently tried solid foods. She is quizzical about Puffs, she loves to play with them and is trying her best to put them in her mouth, but they can be awfully sticky to her hands. She eats them with a puzzled look on her face. Winston is loving it, since she accidently flings them off her highchair. I have also started to let her play with her own spoon and is surprised at how well she is doing (pictures to follow).

She is showing signs that we will have to baby proof soon! She moves herself backwards most of the time when she is on her belly, but when she does get her knees under her, she is starting to rock back and forth. Standing is becoming her favorite thing, we have to manually bend her legs to get her to sit. The moment we get her on her feet she starts jumping up and down and smiling from ear to ear. We have started pushing her around on her toys and is very excited about it.

Sydney had a great valentine's, she loves her blocks from Daddy
We are teaching her how to handle the animals and it is going well.

Sydney went to her first baby shower and was a very well behaved baby, and now that Lyra is here, we need to go visit her.

Sydney has fun hanging out with her older cousin. Lanie loves to play with her. There are moments of jealousy, but we work through them.

Here is a picture of what Sydney  first thought of Puffs but them decided she liked them.

She is getting good at handling a spoon, maybe soon I may put some food on the spoon???

We now have retired the kitchen sink for her baths, she is way TOO interested in the faucet handle. We now have a bathtub in the shower upstairs and she is loving it. Mommy is happy that there is no way she can turn on the hot water and burn her, like she was trying to do in the kitchen sink!

Finally we make it to St. Patrick's Day and we can't forget that since she has plenty of Irish from both sides of her family. She showed up to daycare with the appropriate onesie.

That brings us up to date, I am sure the next post will be filled with many updates. She is starting to pull herself up and she is close to crawling and continuing to teeth away. Thank goodness Spring is in the air, we can't wait to get her outside.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

6 Months

It has been a very long 6 months. Sydney is at a great stage, she is showing her personality more and more everyday. She is a very happy baby most of the time.
She now has 2 teeth, the bottom 2 front and teething continues..... She is sitting on her own unsupported and can move herself backwards when on her stomach. She will be mobile very soon. She is loving her food and expect the food to be nonstop.

We have been enjoying her personality, she is usually pretty happy and is laughing more and more. She finds her Daddy to be quite funny. (Dan, I did put her in the U of M outfit, despite my better judgement).

We are giving her belly time as much as possible, luckily she doesn't seem to mind it.

She is learning new things every day.

Her favorite passtime is in her exersaucer, she really get bouncing.

She got to meet her cousin Daphne, she wasn't at her best, but it was a fun day.

She is great at sitting up on her own.

Her 6 month pictures were fun and went well.